Thursday, 30 June 2016

Real-time search algorithm updates: Good or bad news?

Instead of manual releases, real-time algorithms are becoming the norm.
It is known that many SEOs have enjoyed updates of Panda and Penguin over the last couple of years. However, as algorithms are becoming real-time the job of an SEO will become a lot harder.

What Issues may arise from faster algorithm updates?
1.    It will be difficult to troubleshoot algorithmic penalties
Manual actions are a lot easier to troubleshoot than algorithmic penalties.
With manual actions you are informed about the penalty by Google via Google search console.  This gives the webmaster the ability to address the issue(s) that is/ are negatively impacting their sites. You may not be aware that a problem exists with an algorithmic penalty.

How to determine if your website has suffered an algorithmic penalty
Using tools like Penguin it becomes easy for you to determine if your website has suffered from an algorithm penalty. How this is done is, you have to match a drop in your traffic with dates of the last algorithm updates.

Tools like Ahrefs can be used to determine possible link penalties. This tool allows you to see a sudden increase in links or over optimized text.
In the image below, the website went from a couple of linking domains to more than 2K in a short time span. This is a clear pointer that the website was apparent to be penalized.
An additional way to conclude if there is an algorithmic penalty is to spot if a site ranks poorly organically but highly on Maps. This is quite common and goes undetected by many companies.
It is very difficult to determine when these major changes occurred. A lot more data will be needed to diagnose these penalties.
What are the misdiagnosis and confusions related to algorithm penalties?

The biggest problem (or one of the biggest problems) is that Google’s crawlers do not crawl at the same frequency.
One of the chief evils with the real-time algorithm updates is the verity that Google’s crawlers do not crawl pages at the same regularity or rate. After a change has been made to the website or if there’s an incursion of backinks then it could take weeks or even months for the site to be crawled and for a penalty to be applied.
Now, even if you are keeping a thorough timeline of website changes or proceedings, these may not match up with when a penalty occurs. There may be other issues with the server or website changes that you may not know of that could cause a lot of misdiagnosis of penalties.
There are many SEO companies that charge a lot of money to remove such penalties that don’t truly exist. Many of the repudiate files that these companies present will probably do more damage than good. If you want to avail effective and affordableSEO Services in Delhi then you should check us out.
The drawback with Google is that it may roll out a no. of algorithm changes that could affect your rankings which in turn causes Business owners to think that they have been penalized.
There is very little chance of Google Console informing website owners about algorithm penalties because it would be giving out information about what negative factors that search engines are looking for.
What is Negative SEO?
Dishonest SEO companies have come up with a new business model to scam people and businesses out of their money. There are many companies that are good at spamming companies with bad links and then charge a huge amount for removing these bad links. Such companies benefit from spamming links.
What is Black hat SEO?
Many companies implement the black hat SEO strategy to see what exactly they could get away with.
It is easier and faster to penalize sites but everything is tested repeatedly to know what exactly you can get away with and how much it would cost to recover from such a stunt.
The positives
Everything has its pros and cons and with a change in real-time updates it could help Google search results.
Now, SEOs won’t have to worry about the next updates or where to focus their energy on. Sites will at some point or the other be penalized, and a lot faster for that matter.
 The black test is likely to have a positive result on the SEO community, allowing us to get a better understanding of the algorithm.

Many Digital marketingagencies in Delhi can help turn around these negative practices but make sure you seek help from an agency that seems credible. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Save Your Company’s Face through Reputation Management

Today, in the world of social-commerce, Reputation management has become quite crucial. Before I go in-depth with you on reputation management I would like to give a brief about social commerce.
Social commerce is nothing but the integration of e-commerce with social media. Genuine and engaging platforms are created where buyers and sellers can initiate sales or purchase of products and services.
Such a medium allows shoppers or buyers to discuss or review the product with manufacturers or with those who have already used/ bought a similar product.
This allows manufacturers to work on their products based on the feedback provided to them
This may sound really exciting (and it is) but this also has a couple of drawbacks for the sellers. For instance, if you own a hotel and you’re on a review site and someone (your competitor or former clients) post bad reviews about you then your credibility and reputation will be flecked.
To combat this flecked reputation we make use of reputation management. This process is simple an act of altering or changing the way a customer perceives your firm or organization when they look you up online. This in turn will improve your sales and also credibility.
How to Control Reviews
One of the biggest and toughest facets of reputation management is controlling reviews. But how does one control or tame each and every review out there? There are hundreds and thousands of sites that allow users to write reviews and your competitors are making use of this.
 If we’re being honest here, you and I both know that it is impossible to control every review out there so what you could do instead is work on the quality of your product or service or you could simply ask your happy and satisfied customers to leave a good review or rate your services.
An additional tip is to react to your reviews online. This way, you reveal to your potential audience that you are at least listening and at the same time, you can tell them your very own story. Do not make excuses or get aggressive instead appear genuinely sorry and show how you are going to improve your service for next time.
Implement SEO Strategies
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also plays an important component in reputation management. What happens when someone looks you up online? If a negative review comes up then you should be implementing SEO strategies to alter the negative results. The more you manage your SEO and encourage people to participate in positive reviews then the chances of you getting better engagement will increase. For affordable SEO services in Delhi NCR contact Coderang an agency that is known for improving SEO rankings of many big firms.
Engage on Social Media
Another great way of managing your reputation is through social media. This process can help you strengthen your brand and create viable relationships with customers. This process can help you fight negative reviews and put forward an image you wish to portray.

Note: The above mentioned points are quite important but you also need to keep in mind if you are selling products on your website that your site is well functional and easy to navigate through. If you haven’t already created a well functioning site then you should contact CodeRang because we are the top web development company in Delhi NCR

Friday, 24 June 2016

How to Create Viral Content

The biggest dilemma today is how to make content go viral. Everyone is desperate to get their content or blogs spreading like forest fires but there are many times when that doesn’t happen.
The art of making content go viral is a bit complicated but once you get the hold of it I am sure you’re going to be quite happy with yourself.
How do people craft contagious content? Why aren’t you able to do the same? Is something wrong with your content or is it your site that’s plain boring? Why are others doing better than you? What is their secret?
There is an art to making content go viral and spread like a forest fire and sometimes people are unknowingly implementing a secret or magical strategy to help them sell their content like hot cakes. Coderang provides best SEO Services in Delhi that offer to write up emotion-driven content to improve traffic on your website.
This post is a small guide that will help you make your content go viral.
Keep your content positive: According to a study conducted by many American Marketing experts, a positive blog is more contagious than a negative one. Negative clogs are prone to more controversy and may help you get your fifteen seconds of fame but there’s no guarantee it will catch on.

Tip: Make use of emotions in your blog. Emotionally connecting with your audience triggers a better response. Your emotions should ignite fear, anger, attachment and happiness.

Useful content gets shared
 Doesn’t it make sense that people like sharing content that is actually helpful? Why would someone share your blog or article if it is of no use to them?
Now let’s get to the Part on How to produce Content That Goes Viral
Now that we’ve established the basics of what people like to read or share we should move on to the crucial part- how to produce content that goes viral.
It’s worth remembering that positive uplifting content usually always gets shared. There are a lot of unhappy people all over the world who would like to engage with positive content to give them a little boost. Share inspirational content and add an uplifting visual.
If your main focus is driving more traffic to your website then it’s pretty obvious that you need to post relevant and useful content that can help others. Pick topics that people struggle with or would like to learn more about. Try implementing practical content wherever and whenever possible.

Preparing practically helpful Content

What does a copywriter generally do when he or she is done with an article? Go through it and make some finishing touches right? Yup, it is but there is one final step many writers skip. What is that step?
Whenever you go through your content you must figure out the next action you want people to take. Finish your article with a small section that will tell people (your audience) what to do.
This is actually a great strategy because you are telling people what to do next. You’re giving an indication to your readers as to what to do next.

Activating Emotions

There is a simple hack to getting people to share your content-activating emotions in readers.
If you manage to do this you are all set. Trigger high emotions in your audience and your content is more likely to be talked about and shared on social platforms.
Just a reminder, high arousal emotions can be both negative and positive. Both work but your audience is more likely to swoon over positive content.
Focus on these emotions: Fear, Joy, Anxiety, lust and awe. This may sound easy but it isn’t. Researchers and psychologists have claimed that it is simple to activate emotions but you have got to have an understanding on which particular emotion you’d want to target. Once you have established that, hit it perfectly.

Final words

Now that we have come to the end of this article I want you to keep two things in mind:
1.    To get more traffic to your website you will need to come up with useful content. Present them with examples and maybe add a couple of links or images on how to carry out a certain task or activity.
2.    Don’t just write because you have to. Write to evoke emotions. The more you attack and arouse emotions of your users the better the response.
Believe me, it works!
For Content Writing services make sure to check out CodeRang’s website and Facebook page to get a gist of what kind of content we come up with.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

How to Indirectly Improve Your Search Rankings

Who isn’t a sucker for better search rankings? I know I am. I’d love to get organic traffic month after month without wasting too much time or money.
There are a lot of digital agencies in Delhi like Coderang that offer to handle your SEO part. All you need to do is sit back and relax whilst the company does all the hard work.
SEO has been a great deal ever since its existence and this is the reason many companies should be spending a certain amount of time and resources on SEO.
There are many different things you could do to have direct impact on your search traffic but that’s mostly all related to marketing. However, there is a lot more to marketing than just search engine optimization.
This blog will mainly deal with ways to circuitously perk up your search rankings.
Here our primary focus isn’t to improve traffic but these tips could improve your traffic and generate brand awareness too.
1.    You should follow-up with leads.
Follow-ups usually include taking feedback from your leads through e-mails, phone calls or on your site through feedback forms. Some businesses avoid follow-ups because they believe it is a waste of time and money as well as resources.
This is true to some extent but if you want to make improvements you will have to put in the extra effort. Many businesses invest in marketing and sales instead of follow-ups and this is where they screw up.

Follow these two steps:
•    After a sale contact the customer immediately. Once someone has purchased something from you, they are generally eager to hear from you and perhaps want reassurance.
After an order has been placed, send them a confirmation mail and a contact no. and a tracking code.

•    Follow up with them after they have received the item. Ask them their experience using the item and also ask for negative feedback.
You may wonder how this can help your Search engine rankings or traffic? Have you heard of reviews or word-of-mouth?
A satisfied customer is more likely to give you better ratings, reviews and share their experience with their friends as well. An unsatisfied customer will give you bad ratings and reviews and will also bad mouth your product in front of friends.
You could also ask your customers to review your products on the site they bought it from. 
Reviews also help you in getting more business from a site.

•    Stop being a bum and go to events
Every industry (or most industries) usually has a few conferences lined up throughout the year but hosting them is just part of branding you have also got to go to local events, meet new people and establish contact with them.
This is an added bonus if you wish to explore opportunities to work together with potential investors or buyers.
If a customer is satisfied with your brand, services or products and you email them about new offers then they are 10-15% more likely to check out your new product and consider buying it too.
You have also got to keep in mind that if you generate a good network with your clients or investors or if you administer to make a good impression on others then it’s quite understandable that they will check you out online.

•    Get Help
You should get help with content or visuals. Hire a freelancer or an agency that could help you out whenever needed.
Writers are quite important because they are the ones who can help you lure visitors or viewers on your website.
Collaborate with lots of freelancers this way you create better backlinks as well.
Designers again are quite important. Designers are those who create images or visuals to go with your content. If a freelance designer is hired by you for a certain project then it is obvious they would like to show it off in their portfolio. This will lead to backlinks for your content as well.

•    Optimize User Experience
Creating great user experience on your website has its benefits. Good user experience leads to higher conversion rates and also plays a major role in improving search rankings.
Creating an impressive and friendly user experience can be a bit .cumbersome but there are two basic elements you need to keep in mind:
1. Loading time matters a lot. If your site’s loading side is too long users will bounce ASAP
2. Avoid Clutter. No one is a fan of clutter. It only gives an indication of being an amateur and not having a professional eye.
Your site’s architecture matters too.

Experts like Neil Patel reckon you spend time and resources on SEO however; you also need to focus on other aspects of your business that can indirectly improve your SEO and also offers other benefits like sales.
Many Social Media agenciesin Delhi can also help you indirectly improve your SEO rankings by posting on pages with links to your page. The more people will click on your link the better the traffic on your site and this in turn also improves your SEO rankings.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

6 Tips on Starting a blog

Starting a blog is actually easier than you think; you’ve just got to follow these simple tips.

Choose a platform to blog on
Today, we are all spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a platform. Most platforms are free which makes it all the harder to choose from.

The most common blogging platforms are WordPress, MainstaysBlogger, Tumblr, Squarespace & Ghost.

However, many experts suggest choosing a bolder method- coding and creating your own blog from scrape. If you aren’t comfortable with the idea of starting from scratch you could choose one of the above mentioned platforms. You should test out each and every platform then decide which one you’re more comfortable using.

For content writing services you could seek help from Coderang, a digital agency that offers great solutions for businesses that need help.

 Come to a decision on what kind of content to use
A content plan is a very strategic and effective way of coming up with an organized plan for your content.
If you are organized enough you can divide your time for blogging as well as other activities.

Keep on adding catchy blogs or articles to your platform to increase engagement amongst users. Your blog doesn’t always have to be related to your company, spice it up a bit or change it up every now and then. If your company or your specialization in related to technology maybe you could drift away from technology and post about fashion or humorous events that you have experienced.

KISS (Keep it Short and Simple)

The heading and the subheadings must be short but must at the same time also convey your message. Use headings like ‘Insight to XYZ’ or ‘3 Simple tips to beat the heat’

The simpler your heading, the more people will be willing to read it. Also make sure it’s catchy. Titles like ‘how to get away with murder’ would definitely pique their interests but do not aimlessly make up a heading that isn’t related to your article or blog.

Besides a short and catchy title you should make use of color or visuals. Who doesn’t love staring at something that’s colorful or has a nice visual complementing the article?

Probably share an explainer video just to keep people more engaged and send them back to your website for traffic. An explainer video production company could help you achieve this aspect of making fruitful videos.
In short, your design and content must be simple. The fonts you will be using should be readable and stick to three colors.
White space isn’t your enemy
White Space is one such element that is being abused today. People think the more content splat on their blog the better the outlook. But just to give you a little nudge, whitespace is meant to balance out your blog. If you do not have any whitespace your content will look shabby and unappealing.
Try out different things
Experiment with fonts, colors, text size, visuals and the length of our content. Mix things up every now and then instead of sticking to the same format or structure for a long period of time.
Promote your blogs!
Promote your blogs or content on-line on various platforms. Hootsuite allows you to share content on all platforms simultaneously. This method will save you time and money.

Many digital agencies in Delhi offer to help you with SMO and SMO to help propagate your content to your potential audience.

Monday, 20 June 2016

6 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Ask yourself if finding a theme on Word Press or if having an amazing portfolio will do the trick of attracting more visitors to your page?

Sometimes, despite all the efforts we put into making our website stand out, we still aren’t visible to those we want to target and this is when SEO plays its hand. Avail SEO services in Delhi at affordable rates only at Coderang.

There are a few simple tricks you could follow to improve your visibility online

Distribute your content online
To get more traffic on your site you should make use of links and attractive as well as catchy headings wherever and whenever you can. Make sure you engage in micro blogging too.
Label your Content
Is your website a library full of content? You should label or categorize your content under different titles like ‘web development’, ‘marketing solutions’ and so on.
When you store or place your content in relevant categories it becomes easier for visitors to search what they are looking for.
Accumulating content in such categories will make your site more navigable and will also make your site appear as an authority figure on the subject matter.
Invite Reviews
Here’s a quick effective tip: Get users to generate content on your website. An added bonus for your company would be if users comment or review your products or services.
Also allow users to rate your products or brand. If you get good reactions, then you will also generate more traffic online. You also get to find out how good or bad your products or services are.
Also keep in mind that negative reviews aren’t as bad as you think they are. You could use it to your advantage to work on your weaknesses and you should also use it as a medium to interact with and apologize to your client and offer them a discount on their next purchase.
Be one of a kind
Being one of a kind here means that every page must have a unique title, description, content and even a URL. Although this is a bit methodological, it is vital for Google to be able to conclude what your page is about and know that it is worth counting or including it in their index of pages. Take help from a web development company in Delhi to help you develop outstanding end products.
Hurry Up!
The faster you are at updating your site and the faster your website’s loading time, the better the chances of visitors returning to your site for more information or to carry out activities.
Have a set of guidelines
If you don’t already know, Google publishes a set if webmaster guidelines. These guidelines help you avoid penalties. Most of these guidelines are very clear-cut, however if you have any questions, you could confer with a professional. Getting penalized or even worse banned in Google can keep you from ranking for months or years and it will take you a lot of effort, time and money to reach the top again.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

PPC for Dummies

PPC or Pay Per Click is an Internet marketing strategy in which an advertiser pays a certain amount every time a user or a visitor clicks on your advertisement. It is basically a way of buying visits to your page or website rather than organically getting visitors.  Many DigitalAgencies in Delhi offer services to manage your AdWords Account and manage your efficiency.
Basically, every time your ad is clicked and a visitor is sent to your website then you pay a search engine a small fee.
Cardinal elements that go into making an effective PPC campaign

-    Research: You have to carry out research

-    Keywords: Select right keywords

-    Landing Page: Set a PPC landing page

-    Strategic advertisers: You will need a group of strategic advertisers who can create relevant and well sought-out targeted PPC campaigns. Your landing page must be satisfying and useful too.

Let me introduce you to Google AdWords, it is the most popular PPC advertising system across the globe. Google Adwords allows businesses to create ads that appear on search engines like Google.
AdWords functions on a pay per click or PPC configuration in which users bid on certain keywords and pay for every click on their ad’.
Why is PPC marketing through AdWords Valuable?
PPC marketing conducted through AdWords is considered priceless because Google being the most famous search engine gets ample traffic on a daily basis and thus delivers the most clicks and impressions to your ad. The no. of times your ads appear depends on the effectiveness and relevance of your keywords used.
Mentioned below are a few factors that can determine the success of your PPC campaign:

•    Relevant Keywords used: You have got to prepare a list of keywords that are relevant to your business or industry and you ought to generate proper text for your ads.
•    The quality of your landing page matters a lot.  The content, visuals and interface must be alluring and smooth functioning.
•    Your Quality Score. Your Quality Score is nothing but Google's rating of the eminence and importance of your keywords, your landing page and the campaigns you are running.

Note: Advertisers with improved Quality Scores get new ad clicks at lower costs.

Researching PPC Keywords
This process can be quite time-consuming but it is very crucial. Your campaign is literally built on your keywords and ‘big shots’ make it a habit to cultivate and process their keywords list.
What should an effective PPC keyword list encompass?

1.    Your keywords must obviously be relevant to your business.
You’d be dumb to pay for keywords that have nothing do to with your industry. Use keywords that are targeted to your business and will lead to higher click through rates.

2.    Use Profound keywords.
Instead of using keywords that are very popular or frequently used you should also make use of keywords that aren’t that popular.

                                   How to manage your PPC campaigns

After you have completed your campaign, you will need to manage them regularly too to ensure they continue to be effective.
As a matter of fact, regular activity on your account is a great predictor of an account’s success.
Tip: Constantly keep analyzing the performance of your campaign and optimize it accordingly.
•    Add Keywords that are relevant to your campaign: Widen the reach of your campaigns by adding keywords that are pertinent to your business or brand.

•    Make use of negative keywords: Making use of non-converting provisions as negative keywords is also a good strategy to improve a campaign’s relevancy and diminish spending on waste.

•    You should Split Ad Groups: You can develop your click-through rate (CTR) and your Quality Score by splitting up your ad groups into smaller and more appropriate ad groups, which help you create more targeted ad text and landing pages.

•    You must evaluation Costly Keywords: Don’t be paying for expensive keywords if the results are ‘nada’.

•    Refine Your Landing Page(s):  If you need to modify content or CTAs of your landing page then you should make some changes. 

Microsoft To Snap Up LinkedIn for $26.2 bn

Being one of Microsoft’s biggest acquisitions in its history so far, the company has announced a 26.2 Billion US dollar deal to snap up LinkedIn, a renowned Social Media Platform.
According to reports, LinkedIn will be offered $ 196 per share by Microsoft. LinkedIn’s shares have escalated 47 percent.
Reports also claim that the CEO of Linkedin, Jeff Weiner will stay on as CEO but will have to report to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. The deal was approved unanimously by the boards of both companies and the deal is expected to close by the end of this year.
However the acquisition is still subject to consent by the shareholders of LinkedIn and its regulators.
In a statement, Nadella was praising LinkedIn for being a fantastic business which is centered on connecting professionals all across the world and together with Microsoft, the growth of LinkedIn can be accelerated. According to the statement, Nadella would like to empower every organization and individuals on this planet.
LinkedIn CEO, Jeff Weiner expressed to his team that little will change and all employees will be holding their current titles and managers. The mission and the vision will remain the same but for those members whose jobs are based entirely on maintaining the status if LinkedIn as a public Traded Company will need to find a new play to focus on.

It is no secret that LinkedIn provides users all over the world access to connect with others on their platform and Microsoft is no exception.
LinkedIn offers Microsoft access to over 433 million members and also provides a strong social graph.
Microsoft would like to merge both social graphs together to attain better results and connectivity as well as productivity.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The trivialities of Web Design

Design is a bud to stemming an integrated audience to your website. It is pretty obvious that design especially on your web page plays a key role in attracting users to your site regardless of the content. You can achieve dynamic designs by paying attention to minute details.
There are a lot of inexperienced or amateur web designers out there that keep screwing up the trivialities of wed design and the aftermath is a web page that looks like it has been designed by a premature want to be designer.
Keep in mind these simple steps and achieve great results
Choose the right line height

Content is the savior of any website. It is what gives your site that special oomph. You must ensure that both content as well as your design mingle well with each other.
The most apt line height is considered 1.6 and according to many web design experts it also doesn’t encourage clutter.

Play with fonts
This being said doesn’t mean you should experiment with multiple fonts. Keep the variance between two to three and see how it could spice up your page.

Having more than one font allows your readers to distinguish between headings and fonts.
CodeRang, Web development company in Delhi can help you out with effective and fruitful web development services to lure potential customers to your site over a period of time.
Avoid using too many columns
It gets a bit too confusing for readers to grasp content divided In multiple columns. Experts suggest using only 50-60 characters per column so that jumping to the next column is easier or you could avoid using multiple columns all together.

Use different colors
If you implement the use of contradicting colors for both CTA or for branding then it gets easier for users to differentiate between the two.
Leave some whitespace space
For a perfectly balanced outlook one must leave some whitespace. White space is the blank space that is provided on the sides or between paragraphs. Give your site or design space to breathe. If there is too much clutter on your website then you’re not likely to make a good impression.
Have a background
Your background should be alluring. It could be an image or your logo or a simple drop back. You could add effects to your background like textures or gradients to spice up the page.

Make use of Icons
It is recommended by experts that you make use of icons to add some oomph to your overall design. Icons help simplify navigation and also make a better UX.
Make a rough sketch of your design
If you create a blueprint of your design before starting any coding then it can save you a lot of time and effort in the future. Once you have mapped out your design and its flow then you could determine the placement of multiple graphics and other elements on your site.

Alignment is important
Many experts suggest aligning your text to the right because that is what users are used to. Justification of text plays a crucial role in the overall outlook of your site.
Keep you grids as simple as possible
Instead of opting for complex style grids you should opt for simpler ones as they give your web design a more user-friendly outlook as well as spares you the clutter.

Note: Have an Explainer Video Production Company create a video for the promotion of your products as well .Such videos are known to drive conversion rates through the roof